Digitalisation of processes


Communication platform between patients and professionals through calls, video calls and chat.


Mediquo is an SaaS (Software as a Service) platform for corporations in the health sector that enables:

  • Communication between patients and professionals
  • Communication between professionals only

Through an app for smartphones and the internet for computers (professionals only), users can communicate via chat messages, voice calls and video calls.


Selective patient invitation

Via SMS, WhatsApp, URL or QR according to care criteria.

Availability control

Patients can be notified if professionals are available or busy.

Professional privacy

Communication with patients without having to provide personal data.

Automatic follow-ups

Schedules follow-up messages to be sent automatically on a chosen date.

Search, filters and multiple choice

Performs general patient searches, with multiple choice option to perform mass actions and more relevant filters.

Automatic phrases

To answer the most common patient queries.


Creates notes, medical reports, e-prescriptions and editable medical history.


Complies with the highest data protection and security standards with annual GDPR and Pentest audits.


Reduces the number of people at health centres.

Reduces the number of calls to centres.

Increases professional productivity.

Agile patient-professional communications.

Allows professionals to monitor their patients more closely.

Continuous accessible care.

Second opinion by contacting other specialists.